Sunday 4 August 2013

U-KISS Facts 12 - 130217 Kevin's Kiyomi Soovin

Youtube cr: sioya woo

U-KISS Facts 12 - 130217 Kevin's Kiyomi

0:03 Dongho thought is Soonhyun’s turn and said Sooooonh, but Soonhyun said is Kevin’s turn. They thought Kevin will be the last one who does the kiyomi. Hoon clap his hands. Soonhyun push Kevin out
0:07 The tense moments come, as Kevin did the girl’s voice all the times, but now who will do the girl’s voice instead of Kevin?
0:09 Kiseop recommend himself, walk out happily
0:13but Dongho disagreed, so do Eli, push Kiseop away from Kevin
0:15 Soonhyun and Hoon came out
0:18 They all around Kevin, rushing to Kevin, instead of AJ is the only one who didn’t move a step at all. Kevin has no idea.
0:20 Hoon start hugged Kevin up
0:22 Hoon hugged Kevin up to the back, like said that Kevin is mine?
0:26 Soonhyun follow them and stop Hoon. After Hoon put Kevin down, Soonhyun holding Kevin and said just do it with me the leader.
0:38 The members start required Soonhyun do some cute things.
0:40 Kevin laugh
0:41 Soonhyun make his coat off.
0:54 Kiseop saw Soonhyun coat disorderly, Kiseop help him to sort out the clothes.
1:48 Kevin sigh

0:03 东浩以为轮到秀炫,所以说了句 Sooooonh, 秀炫说是轮到 Kevin. 可能他们以为 Kevin 是最后做 kiyomi那个。 Hoon 鼓掌。 秀炫 Kevin 出来
0:07 令人迫不及待的时刻来临,之前都是由 Kevin扮女声,现在谁做呢?
0:09 基燮开心地走出来要当
0:15 秀炫Hoon 也站出来
0:18 他们围着 Kevin,每个都要当, Kevin开始不知所措,只有 AJ一人没动过。
0:20 Hoon 开始要抱 Kevin
0:22 Hoon 抱走Kevin走到后面去
0:26 秀炫跟着他们,要 Hoon放下Kevin, 秀炫挽着 Kevin 说让队长做。
0:38 成员们开始要求秀炫做可爱的动作
0:40 Kevin 大笑
0:41 秀炫掀起他的外套,露出白色衫。
0:54 基燮看到 秀炫的外套乱了, 基燮帮他整理好外套
1:48 Kevin 叹气

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