Saturday 3 August 2013

U-KISS Facts 6 - 130217 Opening

Youtube cr: sioya woo 

U-KISS Facts 6 - 130217 Opening

The opening, the music play, is “alone”.
0:17 Kevin wave his hand.
0:48 They introduce themselves one by one, AJ is the first one to introduce himself, he use the creative idea that let the fans said his name.
1:26 But when is Soonhyun’s turn, he change the difference way to introduce himself, and the members didn’t like that way, so Soonhyun introduce same like the others.
2:12 But when is Kevin turn, Soonhyun, Kiseop, Eli, and Dongho put their forefinger on their lips, which show that want the kissme cooperation, not to scream Kevin’s name, they want to tease Kevin,  Kevin didn’t noticed that, but the fans Kissme still scream, just not very loud only.
2:16 Soonhyun and others so disappointed.
2:18 Dongho said that the fans kissme scream so loudly than other members when Kevin’s turn. And Dongho imitate the fans’s scream “KEVIN!” at 2:24.
2:22 Soonhyun walk in front of Kevin, push and want Kevin go away. (They just tease Kevin)
2:30 Kevin said arigato gozaimasu, mean thank you.

0:17 Kevin向着观众招手。
0:48他们一个一个轮着来介绍自己,以AJ先开始时,AJ以创意的问候现场观众,我是?然后现场大声回答 “AJ”
1:26 轮到秀炫问候是,他换了方法,他自己说出自己的名字,但是其他成员不满意,所以秀炫重新依照他们的问候方法来说。
2:12 但是轮到 Kevin时,秀炫, 基燮, Eli东浩把食指放在嘴边,表示要Kissme合作不要喊Kevin的名字,他们要作弄Kevin, Kevin没有发现,可是Kissme们还是喊了Kevin的名字,不过没那么大声而已。
 2:16 秀炫和其他成员表示失望。
2:18 东浩说当轮到Kevin时,现场观众喊得很大声。 东浩模仿观众喊 “KEVIN!” at 2:24
2:22 秀炫走到 Kevin面前,推Kevin要他到后面去。
2:30 Kevinarigato gozaimasu表示谢谢。

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